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Kurachenko I.V.



Position: Senior Lecturer, Secretary of the Department
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Research interests: ornithology, parasitology, structural and functional relationships in bird nest microbiocenoses

Readable disciplines:
- parasitology,
- biometrics,
- ornithology,
- basics of ecology and energy conservation

1.Kurachenko, I.V. Assessment of mollusk infection as intermediate hosts of trematodes of water bodies in the territory of the Polessky State Radiation-Ecological Reserve / I.V. Kurachenko, I.S. Yurchenko // Proceedings of the GGU named after F. Scorins. - Gomel: GSU, 2013 - No. 5 (80), Natural sciences. - S.99-105.
2.Kurachenko, I.V. Partenites of trematodes in gastropods from the river basin of the south-east of Belarus / I.V. Kurachenko // Journal "Science of the 21st Century: Questions, Hypotheses, Answers", Moscow, 2013. - No. 1. - P.11-14.
3.Kurachenko, I.V. Some aspects of the parasitological study of fish in water bodies of the south-east of Belarus / I.V. Kurachenko // Geographic aspects of the sustainable development of regions: Sat. Proceedings of Gomelsk. Region committee of natures. Res. And the protection of the environment. environment; Gomel region department total united “Belarusian geographer. society ”; GSU them. F. Skorins; Ed .: A.I. Pavlovsky [et al.]. - Gomel: BelSUT, 2013. - S.219-224.
4.Kurachenko, I.V. Assessment of infection by larvae of trematodes of mollusks and fish of water bodies in the south-east of Belarus / I.V. Kurachenko // International Scientific Journal, No. 9 (37). Volume 1. - Volgograd: "Scientific Review", 2016. - S. 67-69.
5.Kurachenko, I.V. The study of parasitocenoses of wild and poultry in the south-east of Belarus / I.V. Kurachenko // SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal No. 2 (30), 2016, Vol. I.- Volgograd, 2016 .-- R.113-115.
6.Kurachenko, I.V. Partenites of trematodes in gastropods from the river basin of the south-east of Belarus / I.V. Kurachenko // Journal "Science of the 21st Century: Questions, Hypotheses, Answers", Moscow, 2013. - No. 1. - P.11-14.
7.Kurachenko, I.V., Sorochik, A.G. The impact of the development of deposits in the Svetlogorsk region on the bird population / I.V. Kurachenko, A.G. Sorochik // Research strategies in the natural and technical sciences: collection. articles on the materials of Int. scientific and practical conf. June 28, 2018 / Under the total. ed. E.P. Tkacheva. - Belgorod: LLC Agency for Advanced Research (APNI), 2018. - P.29-32.
8.Zyatkov S.A., Kurachenko I.V., Lysenko A.N., Goncharenko G.G., Zyatkov, S.A. Parasitofauna of Nyctereutes procyonoides in Belarus / Zyatkov S.A., Kurachenko I.V., Lysenko A.N., Goncharenko G.G. // Rostov Scientific Journal. - 2018. - No. 12. - S. 264 - 271.
9.Kurachenko, I.V., Drozd, K.S. Ecological path in learning / I.V. Kurachenko, K.S. Drozd // Actual issues of scientific, methodological and educational-organizational work: practice-oriented and fundamental preparation for first and second steps of higher education: republic. scientific method. Conf. (Gomel, March 15–16, 2018): [materials]. Electronic text data (volume 4.39 Mb). - Gomel: GSU them. F. Skorins, 2018 .-- S.207-211.